We Believe:

That God's grace means that God is always with us, always for us, and always acting in our best interests. God  never abandons us - ever. 

that God loves everyone - no exceptions - and  we are called to love like God loves - unconditionally, extravagantly, and sometimes sacrificially. So, we welcome all.

that God calls us to a total transformation of our identity and values; nothing else is sufficient to gain the fullness of God's blessings.

that Jesus calls us to be Born Again, by which he means entering into the intentional, daily, life-long process of transforming ourselves into something more like him.

that God's Holy Spirit permeates the universe and each human being and we can achieve God's greatest blessings only we wake up to God's everlasting presence and movement in our lives.

that following Jesus is about much more than an after-life reward; it is also about living into the abundant life now, becoming the best, most Jesus-like version of ourselves in this life.

that following Jesus is about much more than our personal salvation interests; it is also about saving the world from its destructive ways - the ways of violence, oppression, injustice, and greed.

that the Bible contains far more richness and profound meaning than any literal translation could ever reveal.

that Biblical scholarship, science, and human reason, used rightly, serve to enlighten and enrich our experience with God and are no threat to the spiritual life.

that being a Jesus follower is a way of life, not a set of creeds and doctrines demanding total agreement.