Interested in Sunday School?
Sign up to start the journey of getting your child involved in Bloomville UCC’s sunday school class. We’ll reach out with more information!
Classes kicked off for the year on Sunday, September 18, 2022 and will be held every Sunday.
Class will begin at 10am and run the length of the church service, but children are welcome to attend all or part of the worship service instead of the full Sunday School class.
See below for more information about Sunday School at BUCC.
Sunday School
Sunday School at BUCC is open to children of all ages. Sunday School is a time for children to gather in a comfortable child friendly space in the church with other children and an instructor. The focus of Sunday School is to help children learn about basic Christian principles such as faith, hope, love and peace. We also encourage and model Christian behaviors such as being kind, caring, sharing and loving. We learn through stories, games, crafts, fun activities, sharing snacks, etc. We utilize not only traditional stories and lessons from the Bible, but also modern day applications of Christ’s teaching on our everyday life. And most importantly we try to make kids feel special and cared about. We want them to know that they are an important part of our church family.
Sunday School takes place during our regular church service. Adults can drop their kids off at the Sunday School room and head to church. Parents are always welcome to stay or check in at any time during our Sunday School time. We meet every Sunday except for the last Sunday of the month. We encourage this to be a time when kids can attend church with their family as well as allow the instructors to attend the service as well. We sometimes join in the main church service for special occasions such as baptisms, special music performances, holidays, etc. The kids can sit together with their teacher or sit with parents if they prefer.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 19:14