Meditations with Pastor Tom (8/8/20)


"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." ~ Matthew 18:20 


            Since 1995, I have belonged to a men's group that formed under the auspices of the Promise Keepers organization.  We get together nearly every Friday morning to shoot the breeze, pray, talk about the Bible, and share our joys and challenges.  We talk about nearly everything from the most mundane details of life to the profound truths we are learning along the way.  We share food and we laugh a lot. (A guy ought to be able to take some teasing to enjoy being in this group.) 

            Jesus says, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."  We gather in His name. Really, you could say we are doing church.  In some ways, we do church better than formal church.  We talk more openly and share personal details of our lives.  We present our real and authentic selves, not the cleaned up version that we often present at church.  We don't back away from the tough questions, and we always leave room for debate and disagreement. 

            And we truly love each other. I know because I am theologically and politically in a different place than the rest of the group.  Yet, they listen to me with respect and genuine interest.  There is not the slightest hint of rejection or disdain when I disagree (which is fairly common).  More important, I know that if I ever need anything, they will be there. I know that from personal experience. 

            We love God's people, too.  We have done service projects, and we even take up a collection.  (As far as I know, no one keeps track of his giving for tax purposes.)  We take great joy in giving our money to people in need. 

            We don't sing.  There's no liturgy.  No one is a leader, and there's no sermon (even though I do get on my preachy pedestal now and then).  We are just a group of men sharing our spiritual journeys.  Our gathering may be humble, but it allows just enough space for God to do some pretty amazing things.  I know that I have personally been educated, moved, and inspired by these men more times than I can remember.   

            I love the Bloomville United Church of Christ, and I believe there is no adequate substitute for that kind of church.  Just know, though, that even when a small group of people come together in His name, God can do some really awesome things.  I know that is true every Friday morning. 


The Sermon this Sunday 

Purity and Politics 



Meditations with Pastor Tom (8/26/20)


Meditations with Pastor Tom (7/31/20)